Ryan Hall - Triangle from Back Mount

Today I went to jits for the Sunday morning class, which starts at 10:30 and is usually over around 12:30. Professor Isaac wasn't able to make it, so we had a purple belt instructing. We did a lot of warm up, drills and finished class with Shark Tank from stand up. A Shark Tank is the term for a match the class observes with the winner staying in as long as, well... They remain the winner.

Since we didn't work any specific technique, I'd like to share a really slick triangle from one of my favorite black belts – Ryan Hall. Ryan is one of the black belts at 50/50 jiu jitsu in the metro D.C. area. We have a similar build and his intellect, temperament and patience are something I really aspire to incorporate into my training philosophy as much as possible. Watch the video below to see why. And if that doesn't convince you, watch his performance at Grappler's Quest against the talented (and much larger) Hermes Franca.

Jiu Jitsu, PlayBrandon Knowlden